
What is network? Nowadays, it’s about what you can access at any given time, place, location, method or ways, in any type of device (laptop, iPad, iPhone, etc). Now, how do we get there? We need the building blocks (routers, switches and wireless access points) and we need security to guard, protect and prevent conflicts or errors.

In CTC Global Thailand, we offer platforms that can help build an efficient, resilient and secured IT infrastructure environment.

CTC Global Thailand Offerings

CTC Global Thailand will aid you to enable, operate and transform your networking infrastructure.We ensure the enterprise flexibility by allowing smooth access to important resources for the employees.

Building and Campus Network Infrastructure
Building or Campus Lan, single building or multi-site Lan – design and architect with robust, scalable to the ever-changing IT landscape.
Non-brand specific, we help customers to achieve total connectivity with cost saving and efficient design, not compromising on cables, switches, routers and firewall.
We listen and understand customers’ need for business agility, resiliency and availability to build advanced, secured and scalable system architectures.
We offer service-oriented and cost-efficient platforms while maintaining the IT governance and compliance to corporate and governmental regulations and policies.

Technology Partners: